OOTB Contract Terms and Clauses You Must Extract Using AI

AI-Powered OOTB Contract Terms and Clauses Extraction with Aavenir Contractflow

Unleash the power of AI with Aavenir Contractflow today! Are you ready to revolutionize your contract management processes? Built natively on the ServiceNow platform, Aavenir Contractflow empowers you to streamline your contract lifecycle management using the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. Say goodbye to manual extraction and welcome a more efficient and accurate approach. 

Aavenir Contractflow offers comprehensive assistance for extraction of both standard out-of-the-box (OOTB) terms and clauses, including the must-have terms and clauses a good CLM solution must extract. This powerful feature allows users to extract terms and clauses from contracts with minimal configuration requirements. Furthermore, Aavenir AI has the capability to extract a wide range of information beyond what is currently listed in the sheet. Through additional training, we can expand the extraction capabilities even further.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to leverage the power of AI for your contract management needs. Take the first step today and unlock the potential of Aavenir Contractflow.