Aavenir Contractflow on ServiceNow - Essentials Edition

Aavenir Contractflow Essentials Edition offers a secure, centralized AI-powered contract repository for contract storage and retrieval on ServiceNow.

Download this to learn:

  • Aavenir’s differentiated Contractflow Essentials capabilities 
  • How you can jump start your Contract Management journey with an AI-powered Contract Repository solution 

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    Aavenir Contractflow Essentials Edition

    Effortlessly embark on your contract management automation journey with Aavenir Contractflow. Reclaim valuable time spent on organizing, searching, reviewing, sharing, and tracking contractual data.

    Aavenir Contractflow Essentials Edition provides AI-enabled extraction of metadata and clauses, helping users quickly identify important information. In addition, the software includes audit trails and customizable reports, which enable businesses to track contract activity and generate useful insights. With a user-friendly interface and reliable customer support, the Essentials Edition provides businesses with a simple yet effective way to get started with their contract management maturity journey.

    Discover the comprehensive features of Aavenir Contractflow Essentials and kickstart your AI-powered Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) journey by downloading our informative datasheet.

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