Invoice Management

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What is Invoice Management?


Invoice management is an internal business function linked to the accounts payable process of the finance department. The accounts payable team manages and processes invoice documents from vendors and suppliers.

Understanding Invoice Management

Invoice management, often known as invoice processing, is how businesses track and pay supplier invoices. At its most basic, the process entails receiving an invoice from a third party, verifying it, paying the supplier, and recording the payment in company records.

Innovative companies look for ways to cut out two things:

  • Manual data entry is always time-consuming and can result in numerous errors.
  • Excessive communication and double-handling. All those emails to send invoices from one place to another are more irritating than most realize.

In this case, invoice automation is the answer. Rather than sending a PDF throughout the firm for validation, the point-of-contact can enter the data into a solution as soon as they receive it.

Explore how AI-enabled invoice data capture and accounts payable solution helps the finance and accounting team to manage on-time and accurate payments with reduced manual efforts.

Benefits of Invoice Management

1. Accurate Data Processing

With the increased number of invoices you handle and generate, there is a greater likelihood of error. Additionally, the chances of typos, repetition, numerical transposition, or other inaccuracies double when everything is done manually.

Your defense against these mistakes is automated invoice management solutions. You don't have to manually enter invoice information onto spreadsheets because both accounts payable and receivable are fully automated for you. Moreover, duplicate payments, lost items, and other data entry errors are also eliminated.

2. Faster Invoice Processing

With invoice management solutions, you may process invoices twice as fast, spend less on accounts payable, and reduce human error. These advantages will ultimately lead to lower invoice costs, better working relationships with suppliers, and minimal vendor payment issues.

3. Quicker Payment Approval

Invoice management solutions can assist you in avoiding bottlenecks associated with invoice approvals. Invoicing solutions with built-in authority logic will automatically allow users with the appropriate authority level to authorize invoices without wasting time.

4. Real-time Insights

Optimized accounts payable solutions give financial leaders instant access to the KPIs they need to expand their businesses. Dashboards are available in invoice management solutions to monitor invoice data. AP managers won't have to go chasing after Invoices to find out what their total payables are or which sales invoice is past due date. At the same time, invoice management solutions provide invoice reports automatically, allowing financial leaders to track a company's overall financial health in real time.


Explore Additional Resources to Know More

Checklist for Invoice Analytics
5 Accounts Payable Anti-Fraud Controls
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