Contract Lifecycle Automation ROI Calculator

Estimate the business value you could achieve with Aavenir Contractflow
Takes a few minutes to generate a personalized report showing how Contract Lifecycle Management Software can help your organization to realize better ROI with more long-term savings. 

This interactive calculator has been created based upon our 20+ years of experience combined with data gathered from the global contract management associations and well-known analyst firms.
Please move sliders to tailor your results.

Enter Data to Calculate Value 

Total annual expenditure in your organization


Total number of customer contracts in your organization


What % of revenue managed by contracts?


What % of contracts get renewed automatically?


What % of contracts are renegotiated annually?


Loss/Penalty due to contract non-compliance


What is typical contract cycle time?

15 Days

Daily employee costs spent per day

$ 400
Get Detailted Report
Expected Net Savings in 5 Years
Expected ROI in 5 Years
Total Yearly savings on Vendor Contracts
Savings achieved with on-contract spends
Savings from reduced contract value erosion
Savings from auto-renewal
Savings by not paying penalties
Savings from a reduction in contract negotiation days
Savings from consolidation opportunities
Total Net Savings in a Year
346 Days

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